A young couple talks to their unborn son and about the room waiting for him

•  Interview / Story Capture  •  In Person  •  Audio + Video / Audio Only  •

•  Interview / Story Capture  •
•  In Person  •
•  Audio + Video / Audio Only  •

EDIT 1.1   (unedited original recording)

Unedited version with all usable recording included with each project


Run Time: 10:46  (on file with Client)

EDIT 1.1   (original recording)

Unedited version with all usable recording included with each project


Run Time: 10:46  (on file with Client)

EDIT 1.2  (optional)

Edited (condensed) version of original recording (EDIT 1.1)


Run Time: 8:35  (on file with Client)

EDIT 2.1  (optional)

Client requests notes on EDIT 1.1 be taken (and relayed) that mention people, places, and things (e.g. 60 minutes)
Client submits existing images of those people, places, and things, which are incorporated into additional version of video.


Run Time: 10:46  (on file with Client)

EDIT 2.2  (optional)

Edited (condensed) version of EDIT 2.1


Run Time: 8:35


(Ann & Gretchen)

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