FORMATS Differences in recording formats and locations 1 vs 3 CAMERA See the difference between 1 and 3 cameras’ coverage • Interview / In Person / Exterior •• Story Capture / In Person / Exterior • 1 vs 3 CAMERA See the difference between 1 and 3 cameras’ coverage • Interview / In Person / Exterior •• Story Capture / In Person / Ext. • AUDIO + VIDEO vs AUDIO ONLYCompare the difference between simple audio recordings and adding video• Interview • Virtual • IN PERSON vs VIRTUALCompare recordings done in person with those done virtually• Story Capture / In Person / 1 person •• Story Capture / Virtual / 2 people • 1 vs 2 PERSPECTIVESCompare the difference between 1 person and 2 people discussing the same set of images (separate recordings)• Story Capture / In Person / Audio only / 1 person •• Story Capture / Virtual / Audio only / 2 people •