INQUIRY: IMAGES + QUESTIONS Your primary Inquiry has been submitted! You (Client named below) should be hearing from us soon. Below is a secondary form to account for the Prompts (Images and Questions). It includes information regarding: (1) # Hours, (2) Images, (3) Questions, (4) Usable Time, and (5) Time per Prompt. If you wish to edit Items 1-3 (4-5 are calculated) it will be necessary to start a new Inquiry here (new tab). Unless otherwise indicated, the due date for all Prompts (Images and Questions) is 5 days before Recording Date/travel/Tour. At the bottom, you are welcome to SUBMIT this form (now, on your own) or SAVE AS DRAFT (save for yourself/share with others for input). If you do choose to share this form with others, please know that it will be overwritten each time SAVE AS DRAFT is selected, regardless of who saves it. If sharing this link, caution and coordination are highly suggested. Also be sure that eventually someone chooses to SUBMIT the form, ideally {name-1} (the Client who initially made the Inquiry). * INQUIRY RECAP CLIENT: {name-1} ~ {email-1} PROJECT: {text-1} # HOURS: {number-57} (Start over here in a new tab if you’d like to add more Hours.) # PROMPTS TOTAL: {number-60} (Images + Questions) # DIGITAL IMAGES: (No Digital Images selected. Start over here in a new tab if you’d like to.) # CAPTURES: [No Captures (photographing prints/objects) selected. Start over here in a new tab if you’d like to.] # SCANS: {number-68} # QUESTIONS: {number-59} USABLE TIME: {number-71} minutes TIME PER PROMPT: {number-70} minutes per Prompt CLIENT EMAIL PROJECT NAME # HOURS # DIGITAL # CAPTURES # SCANS # QUESTIONS USABLE TIME # PROMPTS TIME PER PROMPT CLIENT PHONE APPROXIMATE RECORDING DATEDate from original Inquiry, which may be edited here. See above regarding SUBMIT / SAVE AS DRAFT. RECORDING/INTERVIEW NOTES(none)Notes RE: Recording/Interview from original Inquiry, which may be edited here. Notes may be separated into new lines and/or with a period (” . “). See above regarding SUBMIT / SAVE AS DRAFT. Are you the Client who filled out the primary Inquiry ({name-1})? YesNo NameWho is filling out this form? Email Address Phone * SCANS One of the original Inquiry responses was to have {number-68} Scans (prints in albums, frames, etc.) to be used as Prompts (and included in the output video). If this # needs to change, it will be necessary to begin a new Inquiry here (new tab). One of the original Inquiry responses was to have {number-68} Scans (prints in albums, frames, etc.) to be used as Prompts (and included in the output video). If this # needs to change, it will be necessary to begin a new Inquiry here (new tab). Please communicate any work with {name-1} (original Client). SCAN NOTES(none)Notes RE: Scans (prints in albums, frames, etc.) from original Inquiry, which may be edited here. Notes here may be separated into new lines and/or with a period (” . “). See above regarding SUBMIT / SAVE AS DRAFT. * QUESTIONS How many Questions will you be submitting? ({number-59} selected in primary Inquiry) AllSomeNone One of the original Inquiry responses was to have {number-59} Questions to be used as Prompts (and included in the output video). If this # needs to change, it will be necessary to begin a new Inquiry here (new tab). The form below allows for the selection of Questions. You may SUBMIT (this form) or SAVE AS DRAFT below. One of the original Inquiry responses was to have {number-59} Questions to be used as Prompts (and included in the output video). If this # needs to change, it will be necessary to begin a new Inquiry here (new tab). The form below allows for the selection of Questions. You may SUBMIT (this form) or SAVE AS DRAFT below. Please communicate your work with {name-1} (original Client). QUESTION NOTES(none)Notes RE: Questions from original Inquiry, which may be edited here. Notes may be separated into new lines and/or with a period (” . “). See above regarding SUBMIT / SAVE AS DRAFT. QUESTION ORIGIN *Posterecord suggestionClient selectionPlease indicate whether you would like to have Posterecord-suggested questions or if you would like to view/select you own (500+ to choose from!). Either way, you will have the final selection as well as the opportunity to add your own questions. INTERVIEWEE TYPEIndividual (-18 yrs)Individual (+18 yrs)Couple, unmarriedCouple, marriedExpecting ParentsParentsGrandparentsSelect Interviewee Type to see [* Suggested questions]. It is also suggested that Couples are asked (at least some) questions for Individuals. CLIENT SELECT THEMES (dohide) FAMILYFamily of OriginNuclear FamilyExtended FamilyChildhood EDUCATIONElementary SchoolMiddle SchoolHigh SchoolCollegeTraining, etc. PERSONALITYFavoritesArtFood & DrinkPersonalityHabits & Hobbies RELATIONSHIPSRelationshipsCouple, marriedCouple, unmarriedFor Expecting ParentsFor ParentsFor Grandparents PURSUITSFor TeachersMilitary ServiceWork LIFELifeHistorical EventsSpiritualityTravelWhat IfPoliticsHolidaysJustice SystemIllnessRemembering a Loved One PR SUGGEST TOPICS (dohide) INDIVIDUAL (-18 YRS)* Tell me about your grandparents.* Tell me about your mom.* Tell me about your dad.* Tell me about your brother(s) and sister(s).* Tell me about your aunt(s) and uncle(s) and cousin(s).* Tell me about your best friend(s).* Tell me about your neighborhood, the people who live here.* Tell me about your pet(s).* What are your favorite foods? Least favorite foods?* Tell me about school – your class(es), teacher(s), classmates, etc.* What is your favorite subject? Least favorite subject?* What is/are your favorite movie(s)?* Who is/are your favorite band(s), musicians, etc?* What is/are your favorite TV show(s)?What sports do you play? Tell me about the coaches, players, etc.* What do you like to do during the summer?* What are your favorite things? What makes you happy?* What are your least favorite things? What makes you sad?What were you like when you were younger?Tell me about elementary school.Tell me about middle school/junior high.Tell me about any boyfriends, girlfriends, etc.* What do you want to be when you grow up?What are your plans for when you’re done with school?If you could do anything, what would you do? Additional questions/notes for Individual (< 18 yrs) # additional questions # Individual (-18 yrs) questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). INDIVIDUAL (+18 YRS)* Talk about your family tree, as much as you know. How did your family get here?* Talk about your grandparents: origin, careers, personalities.* Talk about your parents: origin, careers, moves, personalities.* Talk about growing up with your siblings. What were they like? Memories?Talk about your extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.)* Talk about your house growing up. What memories do you have?* What are your earliest memories?* Talk about the neighborhood where you grew up.* Talk about where you went to school, teachers, classmates, friends.When and what did you do after leaving school?Talk about college (studies, friends, activities, romances).* Talk about where you have lived and what you have done there.Talk about your enlistment, basic training, deployment, etc.* Talk about your training, different jobs, and career.* Talk about your faith growing up and your faith now.Talk about your (parents’) political views while growing up and your political views now.* Talk about your travels.* What are your favorite things? What makes you happy?What are your least favorite things? What makes you sad?* What events had the biggest impact on your life?* Would you have done anything differently?* What are you most proud of?* What is the meaning of life?* How would you like to be remembered?* What advice do you have? Additional questions/notes for Individual (> 18 yrs) # additional questions # Individual (+18 yrs) questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). COUPLES, UNMARRIED* Talk about meeting and dating your significant other.* Do you have any favorite stories about your significant other?* How are you most different?* How are you most similar?* What have you learned about yourself from being with your significant other?* How has being with your significant other changed you?* What qualities do you value most in your significant other?Any stories about pets?If you’ve lived together, talk about how, when, where, etc. Additional questions/notes for Couples, unmarried # additional questions # Couples, unmarried questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). COUPLES, MARRIED* Talk about meeting and dating your spouse/partner.* Do you have any favorite stories from your marriage or about your spouse/partner?* How did you know they were “the one”?* How are you most different?* How are you most similar?* Talk about your marriage proposal.* Talk about your wedding.* Talk about your honeymoon.* Where was your first home together? Where else have you lived?* What qualities do you value most in your spouse/partner?* What have you learned about yourself from being with your spouse/partner?* How has being with your spouse/partner changed you? Additional questions/notes for Couples, married # additional questions # Couples, married questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). EXPECTING PARENTSDid you always want to have children? Why (not)?* Any pregnancy stories, difficulties, etc.?* Describe what happened when (each of) you found out you were expecting.* Describe where you live (town, street, house, etc.)* Describe what you are/have been doing during the pregnancy.* Describe reaction and support of family and friends.* Any effects, emotions, cravings, etc. to speak of?* Have you picked out a name? If so, how?* Do you know the gender of the baby?* What will you carry forward and leave behind from the way you were raised?* What are your hopes for your child? Additional questions/notes for Expecting Parents # additional questions # Expecting Parents questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). PARENTSHow did you decide when to have children?How did you decide how many children to have?* What do you remember about finding out you were going to be a parent?* What was/were the pregnancy(ies) of your child(ren) like?* Can you describe the moment when you saw your child(ren) for the first time?* How did you choose your child(ren)’s name(s)?* What are your earliest memories of your child(ren)?What’s one thing you wish you’d known before becoming a parent?* Do you remember any songs that you used to sing to your child(ren)?* Do you remember any books that you used to read with your child(ren)?* What was/were your child(ren) like growing up?* What are your favorite memories of your child(ren)?What were the hardest moments of being a parent?* Do you have any favorite stories about your child(ren)?What was it like for you when your child(ren) left the nest?* Why are you proud of your child(ren)?* What are your hopes for your child(ren)?If you could do it over again, would you raise your child(ren) differently?* What have you learned about yourself from being a parent?* What advice would you give your child(ren) about raising their child(ren)?* How has being a parent changed you? Additional questions/notes for Parents # additional questions # Parents questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). GRANDPARENTSCan you describe the moment(s) you found out you were going to be a grandparent?Can you describe the moment(s) when you saw your grandchild(ren) for the first time?* What are your earliest memories of your grandchild(ren)?* Do you remember any songs that you used to sing to your grandchild(ren)?* Do you remember any books that you used to read with your grandchild(ren)?* What was/were your grandchild(ren) like growing up?* What are your favorite memories of your grandchild(ren)?What were the hardest moments of being a grandparent?* Do you have any favorite stories about your grandchild(ren)?* Why are you proud of your grandchild(ren)?* What are your hopes for your grandchild(ren)?* What have you learned about yourself from being a grandparent?* How has being a grandparent changed you? Additional questions/notes for Grandparents # additional questions # Grandparents questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). CLIENT SELECT TOPICS Family of OriginTalk about your family tree, as much as you know.Do you have any notable ancestors?What do you know about your great grandparents. Where were they from? Any memories?What were your grandparents like? Where did they live? What were they like? Any memories, stories, lessons, jokes?Have you visited where your family is from? Talk about it.Where were you born? Any stories about pregnancy, birth, etc.?Did your grandmother/mother ever make/refurbish/fix a piece of clothing? Talk about that piece of clothing Additional questions/notes about Family of Origin # additional questions # Family of Origin questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). Nuclear FamilyTalk about your parents: their parents, where they’re from, jobs, moves, etc.What was your mother like when you were a child?What was your father like when you were a child?Were your parents strict, or relaxed?Do remember any sayings, lessons, songs, jokes, etc. from your parent(s)?What are some of your childhood memories of your father?What are some of your childhood memories of your mother?What do/did you admire most about your father?What do/did you admire most about your mother?What beliefs do you have that are different than your parents?What is an embarrassing thing you found out about your parents?What is one of your favorite memories of your mother?What is one of your favorite memories of your father?What is your favorite story about your father?What is your favorite story about your mother?What is some of the best advice your father ever gave you?What is some of the best advice your mother ever gave you?What things did your parents argue about when you were little?What traits do you share with your father?What traits do you share with your mother?What was your parents’ relationship like?What’s something you really disagreed with your parents about?Did you ever argue with your parents about clothes or haircuts?Do you have any keepsakes or heirlooms from your father?Do you have any keepsakes or heirlooms from your mother?Talk about your siblings. Personalities? Best memories? Worst memories?What do/did you like most about your siblings?What early memories do you have of your sibling(s)?Does your family tell any funny stories about you?What is your most embarrassing family picture?Did you have any ongoing disagreements with your sibling as a child? What were they?What are the classic family stories? Jokes? Songs?What traditions were passed down to you? Additional questions/notes about Nuclear Family # additional questions # Nuclear Family questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). Extended FamilyWhat about your aunt(s) and uncle(s)? Where did they live? What were they like? Any memories?Talk about your cousin(s)? Where did they live? What were they like? Any memories?Talk about any stepfamily, godparents, etc.Who were your favorite relatives? Why? Additional questions/notes about Extended Family # additional questions # Extended Family questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). ChildhoodWas there anything unusual about your birth?What is your first memory?What stories have you been told about yourself as a baby?Can you sing your favorite lullaby?Where did you grow up?Do you know what your first words were?How would you describe yourself as a child? Were you happy?Were you well-behaved or badly-behaved as a child?Did you get into trouble as a child? What was the worst thing you did?Can you remember a time that you were really upset as a child?What was your childhood like?Did you ever get lost as a child?What did you look like?Did you have a nickname? How’d you get it?Were you ever teased about anything as a child?What are your best memories of childhood?What are your best memories of childhood? Worst?What television programs did you watch as a child?What was one of your favorite playground games?How did you get to school as a child?How did you rebel as a child?Tell me about a fun school field trip you had as a kid.What was the neighborhood you grew up in like?What was the strangest thing you wanted to be when you grew up?What was your childhood bedroom like?What was your favorite candy as a child?What was your favorite lunch to bring to school?What was your first sleepover like?What was your first type of wheeled transportation? Car? Bike? Skates?Do you remember any songs from childhood?What was your weekend tradition when you were a kid?What were your favorite cartoons growing up?What were your favorite toys as a child?Did you ever have a fair or carnival come to town when you were a child?Do you have any favorite stories from your childhood?Did you ever move as a child? What was that experience like?When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?Did you have a favorite planet as a child?Did you have any pets growing up?Did you have a special hiding place as a child?What are some of your childhood accomplishments?What did you hide from your parents as a child?What did you look forward to the most as a child?What games did you play when you were young?How would you describe a perfect day when you were young?Any memorable outdoor activities growing up?Any memorable holidays growing up?Any memorable vacations growing up?What about being a child do you miss the most?What was one of the most difficult things to overcome from your childhood? How did you do it? Additional questions/notes about Childhood # additional questions # Childhood questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). Elementary SchoolDid you enjoy school?Talk about your elementary school. Favorite classes, activities, teachers, friends?What kind of stduent were you?Did you get into any trouble?Do you remember any songs from Elementary School?Talk about your elementary school summers.Are you still friends with anyone from elementary school? Additional questions/notes about Elementary School # additional questions # Elementary School questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). Middle SchoolWhat kind of student were you?Talk about your middle school. Favorite classes, activities, teachers, friends?What kind of stduent were you?Did you get into any trouble?Do you remember any songs from Middle School?Talk about your middle school summers.Are you still friends with anyone from middle school? Additional questions/notes about Middle School # additional questions # Middle School questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). High SchoolWhat were you like as a teenager?Which fads did you embrace while growing up?What was your relationship with your parents like as a teenager?Talk about your high school. Favorite classes, activities, teachers, friends?What kind of student were you?Did you have a car in high school?Did you get into any trouble?Talk about your high school summers.Who did you date while in high school?Who did you go to formal dances with?Do you remember any songs from High School?How would your classmates remember you?Are you still friends with anyone from high school? Additional questions/notes about High School # additional questions # High School questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). CollegeHow did you decide where to go to college?Anything about the application and acceptance?Describe the city/town where you went to college.How did you pay for college?What was you major? Minor?What were your favorite classes?Who were your favorite professors?Do you have any dormitory stories?Do you have any fraternity/sorority stories?What activities were you involved in?Did you have (a) job(s) while attending college? If so, discuss.What was your transportation during college?What did you do during your college summers?Who were your friends in college? Are you still friends?Did you date someone in college?Did you pull any all-nighters in college?Did you graduate? Was it worth it?What’s one thing you wish you’d known before going to college? Additional questions/notes about College # additional questions # College questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). TrainingHow did you decide on your profession?How did you decide on where to be trained?Describe your education/training, teachers, etc.Describe your classmates, fellowship, etc.Did you have (a) job(s) while attending school/being trained? If so, discuss.Describe any further training, apprenticeship, internships, etc. Additional questions/notes about Training # additional questions # Training questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). FavoritesWhat are your favorite sayings, mottos, proverbs, etc.What is your favorite sound?What is your favorite smell?What are your favorite board games? Memories?What are your favorite card games? Memories?What is your favorite season? Why?What are some of your pet peeves?Who are your favorite writers?What is your favorite poem?What are your favorite books?What was a book that really made a difference for you as a child? As an adult?How have you expressed yourself creatively?Did/do you play any instruments?What are you favorite bands?Who are your favorite singers?What are your favorite songs?What are your favorite movies? Additional questions/notes for Favorites # additional questions # Favorites questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). ArtWhat are your favorite types of art?Who are your favorite artists?What are your favorite pieces of art?Who are your favorite painters?Who are your favorite sculptors?What is one of the best photographs you’ve ever taken?What photograph do you most regret not taking when you had the opportunity?What museums have you been to?Have you ever met any famous artists?Have you ever been in a play? Additional questions/notes for Art # additional questions # Art questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). Food & DrinkWhat is your favorite dishes, foods?What are your favorite summertime foods?What are your favorite wintertime foods?What’s a food or food combination that you love, which most other people dislike?What dishes are you famous for cooking?What do you like to cook?What foods do you dislike? Have these changed over time?What have been some of your favorite restaurants through the years? How about now?What is the best meal you’ve ever had?What was the first meal you ever cooked successfully?Who are the best cooks in your family?What are your favorite drinks in the summer?What are your favorite drinks in the winter? Additional questions/notes for Food & Drink # additional questions # Food & Drink questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). PersonalityWhat were you like in your 20s?What were you like in your 30s?What were you like in your 40s?What were you like in your 50s?What were you like in your 60s?What were you like in your 70s?What were you like in your 80s?What was it like learning to drive?What inspires you?What annoys you?What do people get wrong about you?What gives you peace of mind?What personal expectations do you hold yourself to?What are you really hard on yourself about?What makes you happy?Are you a morning person or an evening person?Are you an extrovert or an introvert?Are you more like your father or your mother? In what ways?Are you the same person you were as an adolescent, or very different?Would you prefer to have an adventure, or read about one?What things matter most to you in life?What are some of your greatest fears? Additional questions/notes for Personality # additional questions # Personality questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). Habits & HobbiesHave you ever sleep walked or sleep talked?Are you a regular at any of your local restaurants or cafes? What is that relationship like?Are you good at crafts? What’s something you’ve made and are proud of?Are you handy? What’s something you’ve built and are proud of?Have you broken any habits over the years?Have you ever written a poem or a story, and if so, do you still have it?How do you like to spend a lazy day?Tell me about a great moment you had while playing sports.Tell me about your greatest gardening success.What are some good and bad choices you’ve made with respect to your health?What are some of your favorite ways to spend a Saturday?What are some of your special talents?What habit do most people have that you find very strange?What’s your morning ritual? Additional questions/notes for Habits & Hobbies # additional questions # Habits & Hobbies questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). RelationshipsWhat qualities do you most value in your friends?What is your definition of love?Do you have a love of your life?Who was one of your first crushes? What was special about them?When did you first fall in love?Can you tell me about your first kiss?Do you remember your first date?What was your first serious relationship?Do you believe in love at first sight?What are some of the best dates you’ve been on?What is the most awkward date you’ve been on?Have you ever had your heart broken?Do you ever think about previous lovers?What was one of the most romantic moments in your life?Who were the “ones that got away” in your life?What was the hardest break up you’ve ever experienced?What were the best times? The most difficult times?Did you ever think of getting divorced?Did you ever get divorced? Can you tell me about it?What lessons have you learned from your relationships?What advice do you have for relationships? Additional questions/notes about Relationships # additional questions # Relationships questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). Couple, marriedTalk about meeting and dating your husband/wife.Do you have any favorite stories from your marriage or about your spouse/partner?How did you know they were “the one”?How are you most different?How are you most similar?Talk about your marriage proposal, wedding, and honeymoon.Where was your first home together? Where else have you lived?What qualities do you value most in your spouse/partner?What have you learned about yourself from being with your spouse/partner?How has being with your spouse/partner changed you? Additional questions/notes about Couple, married # additional questions # Couple, married questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). Couple, unmarriedTalk about meeting and dating your significant other.Do you have any favorite stories about your significant other?How are you most different?How are you most similar?What have you learned about yourself from being with your significant other?How has being with your significant other changed you?What qualities do you value most in your significant other?Any stories about pets?If you’ve lived together, talk about how, when, when, etc. Additional questions/notes about Couple, unmarried # additional questions # Couple, unmarried questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). For Expecting ParentsDid you always want to have children? Why (not)?Any pregnancy stories, difficulties, etc.?Describe what happened when (each of) you found out you were expecting.Describe where you live (town, street, house, etc.)Describe what you are/have been doing during the pregnancy.Describe reaction and support of family and friends.Any effects, emotions, cravings, etc. to speak of?Have you picked out a name? If so, how?Do you know the gender of the baby?What will you carry forward and leave behind from the way you were raised?What are your hopes for your child? Additional questions/notes about For Expecting Parents # additional questions For Expecting Parents questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). For ParentsDid you always know you wanted to be a parent?Was/were your child(ren) planned?Any pregnancy stories, difficulties, etc.?How did you decide when to have children?How did you decide how many children to have?What do you remember about finding out you were going to be a parent?What was/were the pregnancy(ies) of your child(ren) like?Can you describe the moment when you saw your child(ren) for the first time?How did you choose your child(ren)’s name(s)?What are your earliest memories of your child(ren)?What’s one thing you wish you’d known before becoming a parent?Do you remember any songs that you used to sing to your child(ren)?Do you remember any books that you used to read with your child(ren)?What was/were your child(ren) like growing up?What are your favorite memories of your child(ren)?What were the hardest moments of being a parent?Did you have any rules that you set for yourself as a parent that you broke?Do you have any favorite stories about your child(ren)?What aspects of having children didn’t turn out the way you expected?What was it like for you when your first child left the nest?Do you remember when your last child left home for good?Why are you proud of your child(ren)?What are your hopes for your child(ren)?If you could do it over again, would you raise your child(ren) differently?What have you learned about yourself from being a parent?What advice would you give your child(ren) about raising their child(ren)?How has being a parent changed you? Additional questions/notes For Parents # additional questions # For Parents questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). For GrandparentsCan you describe the moment(s) you found out you were going to be a grandparent?Can you describe the moment when you saw your grandchild(ren) for the first time?What are your earliest memories of your grandchild(ren)?Do you remember any songs that you used to sing to your grandchild(ren)?Do you remember any books that you used to read with your grandchild(ren)?What was/were your grandchild(ren) like growing up?What are your favorite memories of your grandchild(ren)?What were the hardest moments of being a grandparent?Do you have any favorite stories about your grandchild(ren)?Why are you proud of your grandchild(ren)?What are your hopes for your grandchild(ren)?What have you learned about yourself from being a grandparent?How has being a grandparent changed you? Additional questions/notes For Grandparents # additional questions # For Grandparents questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). For TeachersWhen and why did you decide to become a teacher?Tell me about your first day as a teacher.How is teaching different from how you imagined it to be?Tell me about a time when teaching made you feel hopeful.What are the most challenging and/or funniest moments you’ve experienced in the classroom?How would you like your students to remember you?Was there a teacher or teachers who had a particularly strong influence on your life? What did you learn about teaching from them?Looking back, what advice would you give to yourself in your first year of teaching? Additional questions/notes For Teachers # additional questions # For Teachers questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). Military ServiceWhen were you drafted or when did you enlist?What do you remember about the day you enlisted?How did you tell your family and friends that you were joining the military? Are there any conversations that stand out from that time?If you enlisted, what were some of the reasons that you joined the military? How did you choose your branch of service?How did you imagine military life before you joined? How did your perceptions change after serving?What was basic training like?Can you describe a funny moment from your time in the military?What are some of the things you remember about adapting to military life?Where did you serve during the war?If you deployed overseas, how did you tell your loved ones you were being deployed?How did you stay in touch with family and friends back home?What are some things you remember most about your deployment?If you saw multiple deployments, how did they differ from each other? How did you change?Can you describe how you felt coming home from combat?Was there anything you especially missed about civilian life?Is there someone you served with that you remember fondly? Can you tell me about them?What are some fun things you and your friends did together while you were deployed?Did any of your military friends play pranks on each other? Can you describe a funny one?Did you ever get caught breaking any rules? Did you ever get away with something you weren’t supposed to do?Did you ever learn something about a fellow service member that surprised you?When did you leave the military? What was that process like?What were your first few months out of the service like?Was there anything or anyone that helped you during the transition from military to civilian life?Do you have advice for others transitioning out of the military?How do you think your time in the military affected you?What did you learn about yourself?What are some of your hopes for the future?What phrase or word will never be the same now that you served?When you were first discharged, what are some things about civilians that were difficult for you to deal with?Is there anything you wish civilians understood about military service?What are some habits you developed in the service that you like? What are some that you dislike?What are some things you miss about being in the service? What are some you are glad to have left behind?What has been difficult to communicate to family and friends about your military service?Do you have advice for other military couples?If you have children, what do you want them to know about your military service?RE: The Fallen: What was your relationship to _______?RE: The Fallen: Tell me about _______.RE: The Fallen: What did _______ look like?RE: The Fallen: What is one of your favorite memories of _______?RE: The Fallen: How did you find out about _______’s death?RE: The Fallen: What has helped you most in your grief?RE: The Fallen: Do you have any traditions to honor _______?RE: The Fallen: Do you have any funny stories about the two of you together? Additional questions/notes for Military Service # additional questions # Military Service questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). WorkWhat did you want to be when you grew up?What was your first job?What things did you find surprising when you started your first job?How did you decide when to change jobs?What was your favorite job?Tell me about a time you got in trouble at work.Have you ever been fired?What was it like the first time you quit a job?Did you consider any other careers? How did you choose?Any memorable bosses, co-workers, moments?What was your best boss like?What was your worst boss like? How did you deal with them?What is the longest project you have ever worked on?Tell me about how you got into your line of work.Do/did you like your job?Describe the work that you do/did.Do you have any favorite stories from your work life?What lessons has your work life taught you?Have you retired or do you plan on it? When? How do you feel about it?If you could do anything now, what would you do? Why?What is your best advice when it comes to work? Additional questions/notes for Work # additional questions # Work questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). LifeWhat was your first car?Have you ever won anything?Have you participated in any competitions? How did you do?Have you pulled any great pranks?What famous or important people have you encountered in real life?Who are the funniest people in your family?What is one of the strangest things you’ve ever eaten?Did you ever get a terrible haircut?What is one of the funniest things you’ve ever done?Do you have any moving day stories?Describe the places you’ve lived.Have you ever experienced a severe storm?Have you ever gotten into a fight?What is one of the craziest things that’s ever happened to you?What is one of your go-to stories, one you like telling over and over?Is there a common phrase your parents say to you that your friends know? Or one you say to them?Tell me about a time you volunteered for something that nobody else wanted to do.Are there any funny stories or memories or characters from your life that you want to talk about?When in your life did you have the most money? Did you manage it well?Have you ever given or been the recipient of a random act of kindness?What things are you proudest of in your life?Which family members do you wish you kept better in touch with?At what times in your life were you the happiest, and why?When in your life did you have the least money? How did you manage with your budget?Talk about a few moments that changed you/your trajectory.Who is the wisest person you’ve known? What have you learned from them?Have you lost any possessions that you really cared about? What were they?Did you have enough money growing up?What things do you think you cannot live without?Have you ever been a hero to someone? Has anyone been a hero for you?What is one of the most difficult things you’ve ever done? What was the outcome?What was one of the hardest things about growing up? How did you get through it?What was something that you believed all through childhood and were surprised to find out was false?What is one of the riskiest things you’ve ever done?What’s a small decision you made that ended up having a big impact on your life?Do you have a dream you haven’t achieved yet? Will you keep trying?As a child, were you closer to your father or your mother? How about now?Did you have a family member you wish you’d gotten to know better?What is one of the most selfless things you have done in life?What is some of the best advice you’ve received in life?What was an unusual compliment you once received, but really appreciated?Can you tell me about a moment when a person’s kindness made a difference in your life?Who do you consider your icons, and why?Who has been the kindest to you in your life?What was something you were surprised to learn when you moved out from your parents’ house?What have been some of your life’s greatest surprises?What is the most scared you’ve ever been?Have you ever had to stand up for your principles? What was the outcome?What is one of the greatest physical challenges you have ever had to go through? What gave you strength?What is one trait you would most like to improve in yourself?What do you consider one of your greatest achievements in life?What is one of the bravest things you’ve ever done, and what was the outcome?Have you ever done drugs?Do you have any family secrets?For generations listening to this years from now, is there any wisdom you’d want to pass on to them? What would you want them to know?How do you think the world will have changed in 30 years?What does your future hold?Which people have had the biggest influence on your life? What did you learn from them?Has anyone ever rescued you, figuratively or literally?What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?Have you ever found out something you wished you had never known?What have been some of the happiest moments in your life?When in life have you felt most alone? What gave you strength during those times?Have you ever had to make a tough moral decision? How did it turn out?What is something you said or did that still bothers you?How has your life turned out differently than you imagined it would?What mistakes have you made? What would you have done differently?Do you have any secrets or confessions?What’s a gift you always wished someone would give you?What have been some of the saddest moments in your life?How would you describe yourself?Where will you be in 10 years? 20 years?What do you think is the meaning of life?Do you have any regrets?How would you like to be remembered?Do you believe that people can change? Why or why not? Additional questions/notes for Life # additional questions # Life questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). Historical EventsWhat inventions have had the biggest impact on your life?Tell me about technological advances during your life.What was life like in the 50s?Tell me about the first time you got a TV.What was life like in the 60s?What is your/our family’s experience with the assassination of JFK?What is your/our family’s experience with the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.?What is your/our family’s experience with the moon landing?How did you/our family experience The Vietnam War?What was life like in the 70s?What was life like in the 80s?Tell me about the first time you got a computer.What was life like in the 90s?Tell me about the first time you got a cell phone.What is your/our family’s experience with September 11, 2001? Additional questions/notes for Historical Events # additional questions # Historical Events questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). SpiritualityCan you tell me about your religious beliefs/spiritual beliefs?How did you come to your faith? From your family? From a particular experience or set of experiences?How is your faith different from your parents’ faith?How has your faith evolved over time?Have you ever given up anything for Lent? What was it, and was it difficult?Have you experienced any miracles?What was the most profound spiritual moment of your life?Do you believe in God?How have you experienced God (or a Higher Power) in your life?Do you believe in the after-life? What do you think it will be like?Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever encountered one?Do you believe in magic? What is a magical experience to you?Have you ever had a “supernatural” experience, or an experience you couldn’t explain?Have there been moments that tested your faith? What were those challenges and how did they impact your faith?What has made your faith stronger?How did you learn that you were Jewish? What did that mean to you?What did Judaism mean to others in your country of origin?What did Judaism mean to you in your country of origin?What did you know about the Jewish traditions in your country of origin?What does Judaism mean to you in the United States?How does your family observe Passover?What Passover traditions are most important to you?What is the significance of Hanukkah to you?Do you have any favorite Hanukkah songs?During Hanukkah, do you discuss the history of the holiday with your family?Which Hanukkah traditions are most important to you and your family?What are some of your favorite Hanukkah memories?Which foods or treats do you most look forward to eating during Hanukkah?Have you experienced Anti-Semitism? If yes, what is the story of your first experience with Anti-Semitism? Additional questions/notes for Spirituality # additional questions # Spirituality questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). TravelDid you ever have car trouble at a particularly inconvenient time?Talk about where you’ve traveled, when, with whom, what you did, etc.What was your first big trip?Describe your favorite places to spend the summer.Did you ever take any great road trips?Have you ever gotten into a scrape while camping?What is one of the most memorable camping trips you’ve been on?Have you ever missed a flight?What is one of the worst trips you’ve ever taken? What went wrong?What is one of your favorite trips that you’ve taken? What made it great?How do you prefer to travel?Tell me about an adventure you’ve been on.What is the farthest you have ever traveled?What are the most beautiful places you’ve ever been?If you could go back to one place in the world, where would it be? Why?Do you have/remember pictures of these places?Where would you (have) like(d) to go, but haven’t yet (didn’t)? Additional questions/notes for Travel # additional questions # Travel questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). What IfIf you could have as much money as you wanted, what would you do with it?If you could move anywhere in the world, where would it be?If you could wake up tomorrow with one superpower, what would it be and why?If you had to go back in time and start a brand new career, what would it be?If you could interview anyone from your life living or dead, who would it be and why?If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be?If you could see into the future, what would you want to find out?If you could talk to a younger version of yourself, what would you say?What would you save if your house was on fire?If you could hold on to memories from your life forever, which would they be?If you could thank anyone, who would you thank and why?If this was to be your very last conversation, what words of wisdom would you want to pass on?If you could hold on to just one memory from your life forever, what would that be? Additional questions/notes for What If # additional questions # What If questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). PoliticsHow are your political views the same/different as your family?How have your political opinions changed over time?What are some of the most important elections you’ve voted in, and what made them important to you?What political issues do you consider most important?Which Presidents have you voted for and why? Additional questions/notes for Politics # additional questions # Politics questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). HolidaysDescribe one of your most memorable birthdays.Do you have any funny or embarrassing Thanksgiving memories?Do you remember the best birthday cake you ever received?How did you celebrate your 21st birthday?How did you celebrate your 30th birthday?How did you celebrate your 40th birthday?How did you celebrate your 50th birthday?How did your family celebrate the 4th of July when you were a child?How do you like to spend the 4th of July?If you could go anywhere and do anything, what would your perfect Valentine’s Day be?Tell me about a trick-or-treating memory.Trick or treat?What are some memorable acts of kindness you’ve given or received at Christmastime?What are some of the most memorable Christmas presents you’ve given or received?What are some of your fondest Christmas memories?What are the most fun parts of Halloween for you?What are your favorite Christmas traditions?What are your favorite Thanksgiving recipes, either to cook or to eat?What are your New Year’s resolutions?What are your Thanksgiving traditions past and present?What dishes do you look forward to every year at Christmas dinner?What does Christmas mean to you?What does the 4th of July holiday mean to you?What does Veterans Day mean to you?What is the most fun you have ever had at a St. Patrick’s Day celebration?What was your favorite April Fool’s joke?What was your most memorable Halloween?What was your most memorable Thanksgiving?What were some of your favorite Halloween costumes?Which of your family members cooks the best meal on Thanksgiving Day? Additional questions/notes for Holidays # additional questions # Holidays questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). Justice SystemTell me about the first time you were aware that the criminal justice system existed.Has your experience with the justice system changed you or your outlook? How?How has the criminal justice system affected your life?What do you wish others knew about the criminal justice system?Can you describe how you were arrested?How did your family and friends find out you were going to jail?What was jail like? Can you describe what it looked, smelled and sounded like?How did you communicate with people outside?Do you remember how you felt at the time when you were convicted? How did it change you?Tell me about the day you were released.What do you wish someone had told you about re-entry?What have been the happiest moments since you were released?Do you feel free? Why or why not?Tell me about what helped/helps you keep going?If you could change one thing about the criminal justice system, what would it be? Additional questions/notes for Justice System # additional questions # Justice System questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). IllnessCan you tell me about your illness?Do you think about dying? Are you scared?How do you imagine your death?Do you believe in an after-life?Do you regret anything?Do you look at your life differently now than before you were diagnosed?Do you have any last wishes?If you were to give advice to me or others in our family, what would it be?What have you learned from life? The most important things?Has this illness changed you? What have you learned?How do you want to be remembered? Additional questions/notes for Illness # additional questions # Illness questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). Remembering a Loved OneWhat was your relationship to _____?Tell me about _____.What is your first memory of _____?What is your best memory of _____?What is your most vivid memory of _____?What did _____ mean to you?Are you comfortable/ can you talk about _____’s death? How did _____ die?What has been the hardest thing about losing _____?What would you ask _____ if _____ were here today?What do you miss most about _____?How do you think _____ would want to be remembered?Can you talk about the biggest obstacles _____ overcame in life?Was there anything you and _____ disagreed about, fought over, or experienced some conflict around?What about _____ makes you smile?What was your relationship like?What did _____ look like?Did you have any favorite jokes _____ used to tell?Do you have any stories you want to share about _____?What were _____’s hopes and dreams for the future?Is there something about _____ that you think no one else knows?How are you different now than you were before you lost _____?What is the image of _____ that persists?Do you have any traditions to honor _____?What has helped you the most in your grief?What are the hardest times? Additional questions/notes for Remembering a Loved One # additional questions # Remembering a Loved One questions If there are any images (digital; prints; in frames, albums, etc.) – or you would like to capture (photograph) furniture, objects, items, etc. – that would encourage memory, storytelling, etc. you will need to start over (new tab) and select Story Capture (in addition to Interview, here). More information at SERVICES > Story Captures here (new tab). # QUESTIONS SELECTED QUESTIONS REMAINING[# Questions selected on Inquiry] – [# Questions selected here] ANY Q CHECK ALL Q CHECK {number-59} # QUESTIONS ORIGINALLY SELECTED {calculation-215} # Questions selected here QUESTIONS ARE GOOD TO GO! {number-70} minutes per Prompt (Images + Questions) (+/- 10%) {number-59} # QUESTIONS ORIGINALLY SELECTED {calculation-215} # Questions selected here {calculation-224} # Questions remaining {number-70} minutes per Prompt (Images + Questions) (+/- 10%) RE: QUESTIONS You have not pledged/selected any Questions. Return here to begin that process. RE: QUESTIONS You have pledged to submit All of the # QUESTIONS ({number-59}) stated in the primary Inquiry, but have only selected {calculation-215}. Either adjust your pledged amount (All/Some/None) and/or selected Questions above or edit the # QUESTIONS to be used by starting a new Inquiry here. RE: QUESTIONS You have pledged to submit {radio-3} of the # QUESTIONS ({number-59}) stated in the primary Inquiry, and have selected {calculation-215}. Either adjust your selected Questions above or edit the # QUESTIONS to be used by starting a new Inquiry here. RE: QUESTIONS You have pledged to submit {radio-3} of the # QUESTIONS ({number-59}) stated in the primary Inquiry, but haven’t selected any. Either adjust your pledged amount (All/Some/None) or select some Questions above. RE: QUESTIONS FYI: You have pledged to submit {radio-3} of the # QUESTIONS ({number-59}) stated in the primary Inquiry, and have selected {calculation-215}. If desired, you can adjust your pledged amount (All/Some/None) and/or your selected Questions above or edit the # QUESTIONS to be used by starting a new Inquiry here. RE: SCANS Check here if you have only edited Scan notes and would like to SUBMIT them. SUBMITSAVE AS DRAFT