INQUIRY: IMAGES Your primary Inquiry has been submitted! You (Client named below) should be hearing from us soon. Below is a secondary form to account for the Prompts (Images and Questions). It includes information regarding: (1) # Hours, (2) Images, (3) Questions, (4) Usable Time, and (5) Time per Prompt. If you wish to edit Items 1-3 (4-5 are calculated) it will be necessary to start a new Inquiry here (new tab). Unless otherwise indicated, the due date for all Prompts (Images and Questions) is 5 days before Recording Date/travel/Tour. At the bottom, you are welcome to SUBMIT this form (now, on your own) or SAVE AS DRAFT (save for yourself/share with others for input). If you do choose to share this form with others, please know that it will be overwritten each time SAVE AS DRAFT is selected, regardless of who saves it. If sharing this link, caution and coordination are highly suggested. Also be sure that eventually someone chooses to SUBMIT the form, ideally {name-1} (the Client who initially made the Inquiry). * INQUIRY RECAP CLIENT: {name-1} ~ {email-1} PROJECT: {text-1} # HOURS: {number-57} (Start over here in a new tab if you’d like to add more Hours.) # PROMPTS TOTAL: {number-60} (Images + Questions) # DIGITAL IMAGES: {number-69} # CAPTURES: {number-58} # SCANS: [No Scans (prints, slides, negatives) were selected. Start over here in a new tab if you’d like to.] # QUESTIONS: (No Questions included as Prompts, as Interview was not selected. Start over here in a new tab if you’d like to.) USABLE TIME: {number-71} minutes TIME PER PROMPT: {number-70} minutes per Prompt CLIENT EMAIL PROJECT NAME # HOURS # DIGITAL # CAPTURES # SCANS # QUESTIONS USABLE TIME # PROMPTS TIME PER PROMPT CLIENT PHONE APPROXIMATE RECORDING DATEDate from original Inquiry, which may be edited here. See above regarding SUBMIT / SAVE AS DRAFT. RECORDING/INTERVIEW NOTES(none)Notes RE: Recording/Interview from original Inquiry, which may be edited here. Notes may be separated into new lines and/or with a period (” . “). See above regarding SUBMIT / SAVE AS DRAFT. Are you the Client who filled out the primary Inquiry ({name-1})? YesNo NameWho is filling out this form? Email Address Phone * DIGITAL IMAGES One of the original responses was to have {number-69} Digital Images to be used as Prompts (and included in the output video). If this # needs to change, it will be necessary to begin a new Inquiry here (new tab). The form below allows for the attachment of one image at a time, and includes an image description, which is highly encouraged. You may SUBMIT (this form) or SAVE AS DRAFT below. NOTE: Images will not be saved when choosing SAVE AS DRAFT. Only Image Descriptions will be saved. One of the original responses was to have {number-69} Digital Images to be used as Prompts (and included in the output video). If this # needs to change, it will be necessary to begin a new Inquiry here (new tab). The form below allows for the attachment of one image at a time, and includes an image description, which is highly encouraged. You may SUBMIT (this form) or SAVE AS DRAFT below. NOTE: Images will not be saved when choosing SAVE AS DRAFT. Only Image Descriptions will be saved. Please communicate any work with {name-1} (original Client). DIGITAL IMAGE NOTES(none)Notes RE: Digital Images (from Client, Interviewees, family, friends, etc.) from original Inquiry, which may be edited here. Notes here may be separated into new lines and/or with a period (” . “). See above regarding SUBMIT / SAVE AS DRAFT. How many Digital Images will you be submitting and/or adding descriptions to? ({number-69} selected in primary Inquiry) AllSomeNone IMAGE SELECTION & UPLOAD IMAGE Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded file Output video(s) will be 1920×1080 pixels. No need for any image to be larger than both of those dimensions. (10 MB max size.) IMAGE DESCRIPTIONWho, what, when, and where? (optional) * CAPTURES One of the original Inquiry responses was to have {number-58} Captures (photographing prints, objects, items, furniture, etc.) to be used as Prompts (and included in the output video). If this # needs to change, it will be necessary to begin a new Inquiry here (new tab). One of the original Inquiry responses was to have {number-58} Captures (photographing prints, objects, items, furniture, etc.) to be used as Prompts (and included in the output video). If this # needs to change, it will be necessary to begin a new Inquiry here (new tab). Please communicate your work with {name-1} (Original Client). CAPTURE NOTESNotes RE: Captures (photographing prints, objects, items, furniture, etc.) from original Inquiry, which may be edited here. Notes here may be separated into new lines and/or with a period (” . “). See above regarding SUBMIT / SAVE AS DRAFT. RE: DIGITAL IMAGES Please acknowledge that you have indeed uploaded/added descriptions to SOME of the # DIGITAL IMAGES stated in the primary Inquiry. If desired, you can adjust your pledged amount (All/Some/None) and/or your Digital Images above or edit the # DIGITAL IMAGES to be used by starting a new Inquiry here. Please be reminded that Digital Images will not be saved if choosing SAVE AS DRAFT. Only Image Descriptions will be saved. RE: DIGITAL IMAGES Please acknowledge that you have indeed uploaded/added descriptions to ALL of the # DIGITAL IMAGES stated in the primary Inquiry. If desired, you can adjust your pledged amount (All/Some/None) and/or your Digital Images above or edit the # DIGITAL IMAGES to be used by starting a new Inquiry here. Please be reminded that Digital Images will not be saved if choosing SAVE AS DRAFT. Only Image Descriptions will be saved. RE: CAPTURES Check here if you have only edited Capture notes and would like to SUBMIT them. SUBMITSAVE AS DRAFT